Ask about our dry cleaning services in DeWitt and Clinton, IA and across the Quad Cities

Is your professional wardrobe made of business suites and silk blouses? Most of those can’t be cleaned in your home washer and dryer. Set up weekly dry cleaning services with DeWitt Cleaners to make sure your wardrobe stays cleaned, pressed and professional. Food stains, sweat marks and wrinkles will be no more after we get our hands on your work clothes.

Connect with us today for professional dry cleaning services in DeWitt and Clinton, IA or across the Quad Cities.

Cleaned. Pressed. Professional.

Leave your work uniforms to us

If you require your employees to wear a specific uniform to work, it’s a good idea to provide commercial dry cleaning services for their convenience. DeWitt Cleaners will partner with you to keep your work uniforms clean so that your employees are comfortable and look professional.

From law enforcement uniforms to mechanic jumpsuits, we can clean them all. Reach out now for commercial dry cleaning services in DeWitt or Clinton, IA and across the Quad Cities.

A person is ironing a pair of jeans on a blue ironing board.
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